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Welcome to Westmama

Hi, I'm Kimberly, a mom of two and the designer and screen printer and owner of Westmama Designs. I reside in Portland, OR and enjoy gardening, joggin and surfing (the web not ocean).

In 2006 I completed a long time goal of mine and got my MBA. However instead of enhancing my career life I decided to enhance my family life and made a couple babies.

After my son was born I knew my life path was forever going to be altered. In an effort to avoid the very gender-stereotyped boy clothes that flooded the racks of many larger stores, I filled my need for cool hip clothes through Etsy and local boutiques. I developed a love for the unique and handmade. When my daughter was born at home this past October my creative juices began to over flow. I started out with one simple "born at home" onesie ™ and slowly began increasing my designs and honing my craft. I make things that my own kids love and their interests spark my newest designs. I used non-toxic ink and aim for environmental and people friendly materials. I care about who and how my products are made. Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns.